Technology Translations (기술이전 소개 페이지)
* 기술문의: 고려대학교 이승우 교수 (
1. HOPE: realizing unnaturally extreme properties of materials by the concept of super-depth 3D patterns
TBA after piling key patents (within 2022)
TBA after piling key patents (within 2022)
2. Holographic optical elements (HOEs, volume gratings): All that HOEs including (i) theoretical analyses (analytical Fourier optic analyses & numerical calculations) (ii) holographic inscriptions/printing of various optical elements (lens, prisms, and data storages)(iii) advanced materials synthesis.
Why HOEs? there's a vast variety of fields, which can significantly benefit from HOEs (i.e., displays, spectroscopy, microscopy, micro/nano-optical components, AR/VR, holography, solar-energy devices, and so on).
A representative example is the AR/VR display evolution by using HOEs (more thin and lightweight VR glasses), which was reported by Meta Reality Lab (Facebook Reality Lab): ACM Trans. Graph. vol 39, No. 4, Article 67 (July 2020)
Why HOEs? there's a vast variety of fields, which can significantly benefit from HOEs (i.e., displays, spectroscopy, microscopy, micro/nano-optical components, AR/VR, holography, solar-energy devices, and so on).
A representative example is the AR/VR display evolution by using HOEs (more thin and lightweight VR glasses), which was reported by Meta Reality Lab (Facebook Reality Lab): ACM Trans. Graph. vol 39, No. 4, Article 67 (July 2020)
HOEs @ Korea University: recently, we have newly conceptualized an ideal HOE in terms of Fourier optics (i.e., optical Fourier volumes) and materialized them by advancing theoretical backgrounds and material aspects simultaneously.
Kwangjin Kim", Yongjun Lim", Heeju Son", Seung Jae Hong", Chang-Won Shin", Dongjae Baek, Hyeon Ho Kim, Nam Kim*, Joona Bang*, and Seungwoo Lee*, "Optical Fourier volumes: a revisiting of holographic photopolymers and photoaddressable polymers," Advanced Optical Materials, Online published, 2022.
3. Diffractive optical elements (DOEs, surface gratings): All that DOEs including (i) theoretical analyses (analytical Fourier optic analyses & numerical calculations) (ii) holographic inscriptions/printing of various optical elements (lens, prisms, and data storages)(iii) advanced materials synthesis.
Why DOEs? the surface counterparts of HOEs
Why DOEs? the surface counterparts of HOEs
DOEs @ Korea University: Our group @ Korea university enables the development of a wide-scale and perfect DOEs (sinusoidally modulated perfect surface grating in terms of Fourier optics, called optical Fourier surfaces) in an unprecedented throughput. More importantly, we very recently reached the theoretical upper bound of diffraction efficiency at the whole visible regime.
Yongjun Lim", Byungsoo Kang," Seung Jae Hong," Heeju Son", Eunji Im, Joona Bang,* and Seungwoo Lee*, "A field guide to azopolymeric optical Fourier surfaces and augmented reality," Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, p. 2104105, 2021.[네이버 전자신문][네이버 동아사이언스][고대 연구성과 소개]
Yongjun Lim, Byungsoo Kang, and Seungwoo Lee*, "Photo-transformable gratings for augmented reality," Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, p. 2100839, 2021. [네이버 뉴스1][고대 연구성과 소개]
Yongjun Lim, Byungsoo Kang, and Seungwoo Lee*, "Photo-transformable gratings for augmented reality," Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, p. 2100839, 2021. [네이버 뉴스1][고대 연구성과 소개]